Started January 2 2013

Wednesday 2 January 2013

January 2

Well good morning world, here we begin a new venture.

The family demanded a McDonald's breakfast to start the day. No-one wanted to accompany me though! So I was cast out in the rain to drive down to the Walkden McD's for sausage McMuffins and Bagels. Got myself a large black coffee.

The plan for today is

  • Finish my VAT return, (cut off date is the 7 th) 
  • Do an outline design for a website aimed at Papermaking Apprentices
  • Finish my annual accounts so that i can contact my accountant tomorrow
  • Supervise my son as he carries out some experiments from his 'Boom Bang & Fizzes' Experiment kit, which he got for Christmas.
  • Read Tim Watt's first Newsletter of 2013
  • Try and make contact with Graham Toft, who has not been responding to my texts or emails since a week before Christmas. I wonder if he is still alive?

As I look around my office, I'm not sure if I am viewing the aftermath of a hurricane,  the result of being burgled and vandalised, or could it be, that this is how i really work? Every horizontal surface is covered in little piles of 'absolutely essential material that must be kept close to hand', because that is what I will need next!

The floor is my new filing cabinet, just hoping the dogs do not decide it makes nice warm bedding, or worse still, pee on it.

What's the betting that by the end of the week, i have to play hop scotch to get to and from my work station?

Well, writing this has helped to delay the start of the VAT exercise, but i can't put it off for ever.

see you tomorrow.

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