Started January 2 2013

Sunday 3 February 2013

Gay marriage - What a fuss?

Not the Brightest

The Los Angeles Police Department, The FBI, and the CIA were all trying to prove that they are the best at apprehending criminals. The President decides to give them a test. He releases a rabbit into a forest and each of them has to catch it.

The CIA went in.
They placed animal informants throughout the forest.
They questioned all plant and mineral witnesses.
After three months of extensive investigations they concluded that rabbits do not exist.

The FBI went in.
After two weeks with no leads they burnt the forest, killing everything in it, including the rabbit, and they make no apologies.
The rabbit had it coming.

The LAPD went in.
They come out two hours later with a badly beaten bear.
The bear is yelling: "Okay! Okay! I'm a rabbit! I'm a rabbit!"

News Crazy

The news story that caught my ear this morning was all the fuss over gay marriage.

Lets start at the beginning. Nature is a random thing, which is essential for our survival. If we did not have natures randomness, then we would all be black with black curly hair. All the women would look exactly alike, and all the men would look exactly alike.

The randomness of nature causes variations, and this is important for when change in the environment happens. Some variants will react well to the change, and thrive. Other variants will react badly and die out. Nature is not sexist, racist or ageist, well maybe a bit ageist. Nature does not care about religion, it is only concerned with survival. By creating as many variants as possible, nature is doing its best for the survival of the human race.

One of natures variants is homosexuality, and I am guessing that most gay people are gay because nature has made them that way. I would also guess that a few 'gay' people are so because it is fashionable, or just an attempt to be different and provocative. But lets stick to the honest gays, gays as nature intended.

Gay couples cannot breed, so that is natures way of ensuring that particular gene does not survive, so that 'strain' of human will die out. There is nothing wrong with them adopting children, adoption does not pass on the gene.

Maybe one day, nature will throw in another variation that will allow them to breed, but it has not happened yet.

Now let us drag ourselves back to the original story.

Gays have been demanding equality and tolerance. I agree, they should be treated no different than any heterosexual. BUT, in return they should be equally tolerant of the larger society and establishments.

If they want to have a Church ceremony, I agree they should be allowed to, BUT, they should be equally tolerant as they are asking us to be. The ceremony should be performed by a person that wants to perform it, not someone that is doing it because it is against the law not to.

So, Parliament, MPs and gays, lets agree - those that want to perform a ceremony in church should be allowed to do so, and those that do not want to perform a ceremony  should be allowed to walk away.

I have deliberately kept away from the words marriage and wedding. My personal belief is that these two words are associated with ceremonies that involve one male and one female. I only have this personal belief because that is how it has been for hundreds of years.

Today's technological society is moving very fast. New things are being made all the time and we have to keep inventing new words to describe and define all these new things. The first sound recording was on a 'phonograph, a cylinder made of tin foil. Then there was wax cylinders, vinyl records, CDs, and now flash drives. As all these new things came out, we did not insist that they were all called a phonograph, just because they all recorded and played back sound. We invented new words for the new thing

So why not do that for marriage? The gays should show some tolerance for the heterosexuals, and leave our words for us. They should move on, and find a new word for this new situation.

Trainer Talk

All files for the next Machineman's Development Course are finally printed out, it just remains to bind them.

Was up at 7 this morning as my daughter decided that 7am was the best time to finish her homework, and she needed my assistance. 

The Lenovo  computer has now been away for repair for longer than we actually used it.

Have a good day

More tomorrow

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