Started January 2 2013

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Relationship between PITA Barry Read and FTA Services

I still want to know what happened to the money that PITA administered and which I was promised. I also asked what what PITA's relationship was/is with FTA Services.

My search for my money went from the Carbon Trust to PITA, and then the trail goes cold.

Did they pay it out?
Why did they pay it to?

These are two very simple questions, but as you can see below PITA have no interest in telling me where it went. 

BUT they still want my money!!!!

I wonder WHY they do not want to look and see where it went?

It is the PITA AGM next week

I wonder if anyone will ask these questions?

PITA's official; reply to my enquiry is below.

Dear Dr Mann,

With reference to your e-mail, dated 27th November 2013, which I understand was circulated to the majority of the Board of Directors of PITA.

From my personal point of view I have no knowledge of any of the events you outline. 
The dispute you describe appears to be  between yourself and a third party Limited Company. This does not involve PITA and, therefore, it is inappropriate for you to include PITA and equally inappropriate for PITA to comment such a dispute.

Furthermore it would be inappropriate for the Board of Directors of PITA to respond to the additional questions that you seek to raise.

However, we would welcome your re-joining PITA for the coming year.

Yours sincerely

Martin Wroe

PITA National Chairman

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

PITA Carbon Circles

Remember this all you UK Paper Industry people?

I am still waiting to be paid

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Back to teaching

Well it has been a busy summer preparing new materials for my courses and trying to think of new ways to make the classes more interactive and fun

Monday and Tuesday I am teaching the first of my basic chemistry classes.

In the first session we will be talking about different ways of categorising things

Such as

  • Solids
  • Liquids
  • Gasses


  • Compounds
  • Mixtures
  • Solutions
  • Colloids
  • Emulsions

On my shopping list to take into my first class I have

baking powder
The cardboard middle of a toilet roll
Andrews Liver Salts

If it does well I may show you some pictures!

Well done Jackie Lane

Jackie got the answer to Picture puzzle 6 correct in double quick time

For the rest of you here they are

 - look away if you do not want to know yet

The answer was MARCH

We had

A crowd marching
St Patricks' day, which is in March
The Mad Hatters tea party featuring the March Hare
and finally, if you can read music, The Wedding March

Saturday, 31 August 2013

Picture puzzle 6

After that very quick answer to Pic puzzle 5 here is number 6. Good job I had it ready

Well done Karen Hughes - correct pic puzzle 5

Yes That was really quick Karen

Very well done

For the rest of you the answers are below

Mouse spider
Mickey mouse
Mickey Mouse necklace
A computer - which needs a mouse

Next one is on its way

Pic Puzzle 5

Now here is an easy one. Who will be the first to get it right?

Congratulations Koz Lion for Pic Puzzle 3

Well done Koz

You are right

The answer is alcohol

Top left - grapes for making wine
Top right - Barley for brewing beer and whiskey
Bottom left - sugar cane for brewing rum
Bottom right - a model of an alcohol molecule (from one of my classes)

Friday, 30 August 2013

Answers to My First Word Puzzle

The theme to the puzzle was CARS

Please see below the cars in red

Hope you enjoyed it

I’m looking for someone to escort me to a lovely restaurant in East Anglia that serves fusion food.

I don’t want to eat with someone that will just probe their food. I want them to really enjoy it. I especially like their speciality with lotus leaves. They have to be careful, the leaf can be bitter if too old.

Last time I ate there, I was with my friend Morris, he claimed the dish looked like a mini pizza, but when he tasted it, he said it was as warm and fresh as a sunbeam.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Answers to picture puzzle 2

Don't read this if you do not want to know yet

The girl is Dido - who sang White Flag
The flower is the Blue Iris, also known as Blue Flag
The garden is laid with Flagstones
The footballer is holding the corner flag

Enjoy Picture puzzles 3 & 4

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Picture puzzle 4

There has been a lot of interest in my puzzles today

So here is another

What single word are all the pictures pointing to?

picture puzzle 3

Can you find the one word that connects these 4 pictures?

Monday, 19 August 2013

My 1st word puzzle

Read my three paragraphs.

I'm looking for someone to escort me to a lovely restaurant in East Anglia, that serves fusion food.

I don’t want to eat with someone that will just probe their food. I want them to really enjoy it. I especially like this restaurants' speciality, with lotus leaves. They have to be careful, the leaf can be bitter if too old.

Last time I ate there, I was with my friend Morris, he claimed the dish looked like a mini pizza, but when he tasted it, he said it was as warm and fresh as a sunbeam.


What is the hidden theme?

What 10 words relate to it?

Have fun

Let me know if you want any clues

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Picture puzzle 2

What one word links all four pictures ?

Can you get this before I have time to make my next picture puzzle?

Monday, 29 July 2013

Picture puzzle answers

Well all, Prison Widow had the correct answer to this puzzle

The answer was 42 !

How do each of the pictures lead to this

There are 42 laws of Cricket

The group is Level 42 - Their most successful single was - Lessons in love
The cartoon character was Arthur Dent from Hitch-hikers guide to the Galaxy - He was looking for the meaning of life, and the answer was - yes - 42

Finally the rainbow, this is a bit of a nerdy answer

When a rainbow is formed, a light wave enters the raindrop and as it leaves breaks up into the colours we see. It leaves at an angle of 42 degrees to the angle it went in at.

Hope you all enjoyed that

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Governments’ Illegal Immigrants go home campaign

While I agree that some immigration is good for the UK and that Illegal immigrants should go home. I cannot believe in the recent government campaign of driving a van around certain areas with a big billboard on the side!

As was pointed out on the news this morning, most illegals do not speak or read English. So why is the request to go home, only in English?

Since government is supposed to be transparent I would like the government to answer the following four questions.

I am sure they will be able to answer them, after all, have they not been telling doctors, nurses, teachers, banks etc, just how important target setting is, and being measured against your targets!

1 What was your target for people handing themselves in?

2 How many did hand themselves in during the period of the campaign?

3 How many of those handing themselves in said they did so as a direct result of reading the poster

These first and last questions will tell us how good they were at hitting their target

4 How many non-illegal, English speaking readers of the poster thought it was a good idea?

From this last question we can measure how effectively public money has been used to fund a Conservative Party PR exercise

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Employers shunning traditional school qualifications

Read an interesting article today on an accountancy website

The link is below if you want to read it all

But in summary,

27% of employers expect to increase their training budget next year
44% are expecting to increase in-house learning
44% would like more podcasts & vodcasts
38% would like more e-learning

I guess if successive governments had not interfered so much with school curriculum's , and teaching methods, we would not have these problems and the UK would not be so low down in the school league tables

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

energetic day yesterday

Well I had a fantastic day yesterday with 42 very enthusiastic guys. It was the second day of a learning programme that is going to last some 16 months.

I will be placing regular bulletins about the progress here.

Yesterday we had a very brief introduction to communications, problem solving, team working and learning styles

It was amazing just how much we got through . Amongst the fun activities was my version 'introduce yourself to the group' which caused a great deal of hilarity and rivalry.

My two favourites,  number jumble and the Indian Rope Trick

I think the best team game of the day was erecting a tent blindfold.

I was amazed by just how good the guys were

Saturday, 20 July 2013

A picture puzzle for you all

I am teaching a one day course next Tuesday, and I was wondering how to make a novel introduction. Then I had an idea.

I looked at the number of participants, and thought, lets find a few pictures with this number in common, and ask my audience if they can find the common theme to the pictures.

Can any of you find the number?

And can you justify it for each picture?

Have fun!

Thursday, 4 July 2013

The painful triangle

Today would have been my Uncle Jim's birthday, so I was thinking about life and death.

I often think better in pictures, and I have been listening a lot to the debates on pensions, things like how much to contribute, how much to get back, when to draw it.

I have come to the conclusion that we have got ourselves into a painful triangle, where the only winners are the drug manufacturers and medical equipment suppliers.

I will be interested in how many agree and what solutions you offer.

This is how I see it

Let's start at the base of the triangle and more around anti clockwise.

We now have really good healthcare, but it costs a lot, because of the new drugs.  The fact is, the better they work, the longer we live, and the longer we take them, and the more it costs. So it is in the drug companies interest to provide expensive drugs that really work well.

Because we live longer, we need the finances to support us, that means we will need to put more money into our pension pot, and we will need medicines for longer.

Say we start earning at 21 and retire at 67. That is 46 years earning. Average life expectancy is now around 80-85, and getting better every year. So there has to be enough cash to support us for about 15 years, that's about a third of our working life. If we were to put that cash in a box under the bed, then we would have to be putting away about a third of every weeks earnings to fund our retirement. Of course, the third we put away in our early years will not play a significant part in our nest egg, because of inflation. And, the longer we live the greater proportion of our earnings we will have to put away.

Now we are back to the base again. Because we are living longer, we will need medical treatment for longer. In addition the problems will be worse, and they will need more expensive treatment.

In summary, the longer we live, the more money we will have to contribute to the health service and the more we will have to put away for a pension, so the less spare money we will have, to enjoy our young healthy time of life.

If we put the emphasis on managing the quality of dying, rather than extending a painful miserable life, we would have a lot more spare money to enjoy in the prime of our life.

Of course the down side of this, is that the drug companies would not become so mega rich!

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Highest unemployment ever for the young

Well, here I am, sat in the back garden, knotted handkerchief on my head, working on the laptop.

For the young ones that read this, you may not have herd of a handkerchief. Its a recyclable version of a tissue!! Usually made out of cotton.

My morning ritual always starts off the same, come down into the kitchen, put water in the kettle, switch on the TV to listen to the news, and decide about breakfast.

What was the first thing I heard on the news this morning?  Unemployment amongst the young is the highest it has ever been. From the tone of the newscasters voice, it sounded as if this was a surprise to everyone. Especially the government! I have been turning this over in my mind all day, because to me, it does not seem to be a surprise at all. To me it is an inevitable consequence of all the policies. So, am I stupid or something? Is there something so big and so obvious that I cannot see it.?

Lets run down the line of my thinking.

1 - First the government increase womens' retirement age from 60, to 65. So all the women who would have retired, stay in work.

If they do not retire, no vacancies are created, and the people inside the organisation do not move up to fill the empty position. That leaves no vacancies at the bottom for the youngsters to fill - NOTE THIS PARAGRAPH I WILL USE IT AGAIN

2 - Second, the government make it illegal to ask an employee to retire on the grounds of age.

If they do not retire, no vacancies are created, and the people inside the organisation do not move up to fill the empty position. That leaves no vacancies at the bottom for the youngsters to fill.

3 - Third, they increase the pension eligibility age from 65 to 67. So now even if you wanted to retire at 65, you have to keep going another two years.

If they do not retire, no vacancies are created, and the people inside the organisation do not move up to fill the empty position. That leaves no vacancies at the bottom for the youngsters to fill

So am I right or am I right?

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

A peak into the past

I have been looking into the past of my old company, Robert Fletcher & Son, Papermakers. Over the weekend I came across a great, and unexpected website.

It seems that when the mill was being demolished an old box of documents was found in the rubble.

It contained old invoices, job application letters, even a dog licence. I had forgotten that we used to have to have one.

There is also the tragic story of Beatrice Dewhurst, a young girl that died after falling through an open trap door.

If you fancy a bit of nostalgia, take a look at The Robert Fletcher Website.

Monday, 24 June 2013

Paperwiki launched

Well today I can reveal another of the projects that have kept me so busy these last few weeks.

I guess most of us have heard of, or used Wikipedia. I think it is a fantastic resource BUT - there is just too much of it.

So, primarily for my students, I have created a mini version that I have called paperwiki. You can view it by following the link, or from my website.

I have started with just over 200 pages, but it will grow!

The idea is that it is a toned down version of Wikipedia, a bit more personal, and it does not overwhelm the reader with stuff they did not want to know. However, the pages will contain links for people that do want to go deeper.

There are essentially three section, the biggest part of the Wiki is a load of technical stuff for the students, but there is a section on the history of papermaking, and a section on mills.

The section on mills I hope will one day cover mills of the world, but I have started with UK mills. Within this section are the current 58 mills, but being the nostalgic type I have started a section on the old mills that now no longer exist.

I plan to give some of my students assessments based on their contribution to the Wiki. It will be something they can be proud of, and will benefit the whole papermaking community.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

smokers help the environment!

I read to my son each night before he goes to sleep. Last month we were working our way through Enid Blytons' Famous Five books. At the moment we are reading Popular Science FYI. The book consists of - '229 curious questions answered by the world's smartest people'.  (Note how these super smart people got the possessive s punctuation wrong!  It should be worlds')

One question tonight was "does smoking contribute to global warming". The answer was no, and it may even help to reduce global warming a little!  The theory was, that the smoke particles from the cigarette, and the smoker, will reflect some of the energy from the sun and so that energy will not contribute to warming the surface of the earth.

This positive was balanced in the next question/answer where they pointed out that 4,500,000,000,000 (4.5 trillion), cigarette butts are thrown away each year. They take many years to degrade and each one puts 600 different chemicals into the soil!

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Back at last

Well, I just cant believe how long it is since I wrote my last post on here. Its been a busy time

The good news is, after all my hard work I have finally been approved as an Examination Centre for the Process Awards Authority.

I can now offer papermaking courses that are accredited by either the National Skills Academy or by Ofqual

This is great for my students.

I have also been working hard on three big new projects and three potential long term training contracts. More about the training contracts  as I get to know!

One of my new projects is distance learning material, so that anyone anywhere can take my courses. I have been working with a learning delivery system called MOODLE to help me do this. MOODLE was invented in Australia.

Its a great facility, fairly easy to use once you get the hang of it, but unbelievably intricate behind the scenes for those trying to set it up. It's not really difficult, there are just soooooo many things you can use and change.

You can see the beginnings of my experiment here

Monday, 13 May 2013

Ever felt stupid and glad no one was around?

This is just a quickie as I thought it was sooo funny!

Came to take my blood pressure pill this morning, This particular blister pack was marked with the days, not all of them do.

I had started in the middle on a Thursday, so I was wondering which end to go and so was reading the days.  I was astounded to find it said NOW

How the hell can it know that ? I thought for an instant

Then I realised it was upside down. It really said MON


REACH - The New Black Death or terminator 4?

In the 14th century the Bubonic plague spread through Europe killing up to 60 % of the population. It was spread by the fleas that infested rats.

In 1984 we had Terminator. If you remember the story, - the machines were taking over the earth and they sent Terminator back in time to ensure their takeover was successful.

Today we have REACH!

REACH stands for Regulation, Evaluation, Authorisation & restriction of CHemicals.

It is a new set of rules dreampt up by the European Union Bureaucrat late one morning after he unexpectedly finished his crossword early. It has now been taken up by the great European  Bureaucratic Machine and is set to destroy life as we know it here in Europe.

The regulations apply to anything made in Europe or imported into Europe. So don't worry rest of the world, you are safe.

It started as a simple idea. Anything that is sold because of its shape is outside of the regulations but anything that is sold because of its chemical composition must be regulated.

So, for example. If I import a pair of scissors, or a knife, into Europe, I have no problem. But if I import an ingot of steel to make a knife or a pair of scissors, I have to pay tens of thousands of Euros as a contribution to the costs of testing the steel to ensure it is not harmful to humans.

If I want to make a piece of paper in Europe, that no problem either. BUT all the suppliers of all the chemicals that go into the paper have to pay tens of thousands of Euros to get each of their products approved, even those that have been used for 100 years or more.

These costs cannot be absorbed by the suppliers, so they have to be passed on to their European customers.

However, the rest of the world does not demand such approvals. So anyone outside of Europe can buy these very same chemicals, without the REACH 'levy', and then sell the paper into Europe because they are selling a shape and not a chemical!

Of course I have given paper as an example because it is my specialist subject, but it applies to tens of thousands of products.

It could be toothbrushes, hair brushes or paint brushes. To make a toothbrush in Europe, the manufacturer will have to pay huge amounts of money to to have the polymer for the handle and the polymer for the bristles approved. But outside of Europe, anyone can make the same brush and import it as an 'object', used because of its shape and not its chemical composition.


But it gets worse.

The 'approval' is called a 'Letter of Access'. If you make or import say 100 tonnes of a product that needs a Letter of Access, then you pay the same fee as someone else that makes or imports 100,000 tones. So, imagine a letter of access costs 100,000 Euros. A large manufacturer needs to add 1 Euro to the cost of each ton, to get his money back. A small manufacturer or importer needs to add 1,000 Euros per ton to get his money back.

So for a chemical that normally sells for say, 500 Euros per ton, the big player will have to charge 501 Euros now, and the small player will have to charge 1,500 per ton. Clearly no one will pay this price and so all the small manufacturers and importers will go out of business.

The common sense way was to apply a levy 'per ton' so that no one is disadvantaged. But when was common sense ever a requirement of state bureaucracy ?


This of course means that the man in the street will have to pay more tax, to make up for the tax that the big companies are avoiding paying.

With all the small companies eliminated, the few remaining big companies will then be free to apply whatever price rises they wish. We will be at their mercy.


Think about new developments!
This testing regime is a huge financial barrier, and it only exists in Europe, not the rest of the world. Small inventors will be wiped out because they cannot afford to bring their inventions to market, or they will be at the mercy of those that already have mega millions! If a small inventor approaches a large corporation, what will happen? The large corporation will say - hey, we will give you a pittance for your idea, because we know you can't finance it yourself!

So where will all the new chemistry and inventions be made? - Outside Europe
Who will gain? - Everyone outside Europe

What will happen inside Europe?

All the chemicals we use will have this 'levy' so all our prices will increase
many of the chemicals we use will become financially nonviable so they will be withdrawn and our technology will slide backwards to the point before they were used.

So from May 1, Europe will start to slide backwards while the rest of the world will race ahead

Kyle Reese where are you?

You need to go back in time and stop REACH ever happening

Rest of the world - you are on a winner, just sit back and watch Europe destroy itself, then take over

Saturday, 27 April 2013

time or conspiracy theory?

Sometimes I go off on one. But not in the sense that I go nuts, but my train of thought just wanders off in a weird and uncontrolled direction.

It happened today. I was taking the kids socks off the radiators and pairing up when my mind drifted back to the days where my mum and my grandma would iron everything that didn’t move. This included socks undies hankies tea towels as well as our everyday clothes. You this rarely happens these days and I suddenly thought, is this because we no longer have the time or because we realised we were wasting our time?

I remember grandma donkey stoning the front step!

That got me thinking about time and how people occupied themselves.

I remembered living in China. You would see one man painting a post, another holding the paint pot, another supervising them, and somebody watching him.

Chinese cooking; quick to cook, even quicker to eat, but a huge amount of preparation time.
Then I thought is this all about control?

Governments want to stay in power, in order to do that they need to control the people, and this can take many forms.

You can control their thinking so that they will vote for you.

You can keep them fully occupied so that they don’t have time to think what is wrong or to plot against you.

I wondered, is that what the Chinese government have done over the thousands of years? Encouraged a style of cooking that demands huge amount of personal time. With this style of cooking you know where most people are what they are doing.

In Western countries does the government control our minds by controlling our time but in a different way? How many man-hours spent watching and talking about football? Heavenly people are consumed with a passion for the game? Or any other sport for that matter but football is a good example. Why the vast majority are doing that their minds are not critically assessing the government’s performance, or thinking about what can be done to change it.
And it isn’t just sports. What about TV? I remember when TV started about 5 PM and finished at midnight with the national anthem on just two channels. That gave us all a lot of spare time and the freedom to look around, observe, comment, discuss, and plan.

The government the men working hard and the women fully occupied with such household chores with ironing socks. When people started coming to their senses other distractions were introduced, 24 hour TV, 190 channels, video recorders and now a myriad of variations on catch up TV.

Now that we've all got computers and open access to the Internet and a worldwide knowledge base what have they done? They've introduced Facebook, YouTube and streaming videos so that we use these wonderful machines to numb our minds rather than to use them.
Well I feel better after that, nothing like a good bit of conspiracy theory to wipe the cobwebs from the corners of our minds

Well, lets hope they undo these buckles and let me out of this straight jacket soon, I'm ready for lunch!

Friday, 26 April 2013

USA bring out new $100 bill

I don't now how many of you read my daily newspaper PAPER LEADS, but for those of you that dont, there is an interesting article today about all the new security features in America's new $100 bill.

For those that have not yet fallen asleep, you can view this article by clicking HERE

Happy Friday to you all


Friday, 19 April 2013


People often ask me why I am no longer involved in the Paper Industry Training Association (PITA)

Well I can assure you all that it has nothing to do with the organisation. I wish things were different and that I felt I could rejoin and do more of the free work I used to do.

Keeping the whole thing private has not solved the problem, so maybe now is the time to 'come out' and tell the full story

I may not get my money, but I will feel a lot better when I have told my side of the story. I think the psychologists call this externalisation, ( a form of stress relief). Of course FTA SERVICES LIMITED are welcome to comment

It is all to do with this unpaid invoice - now coming up to FIVE YEARS

I had a verbal agreement with FTA SERVICES. The Carbon Trust would pay £30,000 for the work we would do. Myself and FTA SERVICES would split the money 50-50 after expenses

Now the story begins

This was for work funded by the Carbon Trust

The Carbon Trust paid the money to PITA


FTA SERVICES LIMITED paid me, for the first part of the contract

When it came to the second part of the contract, things worked out a little different

The Carbon Trust paid the money to PITA


and there it stopped

There are many websites where you can find out about UK listed companies

HERE for example you can access information about FTA, some of it is free, and some of it you must buy

FTA SERVICES LIMITED have not replied to letters and emails from me, or from my solicitor

As you can all see, the company address is a post office box in Bury Post office, so we could not really send in the bailiffs, or talk to anyone that belonged to FTA SERVICES LIMITED.

For those that want to know more about this

I am going to post all the emails relating to this work, as I still have them all, and you can judge for yourselves  should I have been paid or not

Well more soon folks

Monday, 8 April 2013

Another full week

Good morning world it’s a brand-new day and a brand-new week.

It’s another very full training week. Last week I was in Hampshire giving an intense revision course for apprentices about to take the level III Technical Certificate in Papermaking exam.

Today I have a one-day course, then tomorrow will be travelling there up to Scotland where I will be for the rest of the week doing my bit for Tim Watts’s Machineman Development Programme.

In the last days of March I change my computers to Windows 8. Horrendous! Can’t find what I want, when I do it doesn't do what I want or what I expect. I keep reverting to the old desktop mode but I know I shouldn't.

I think I need training desperately.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

My guidelines

Over the years I've worked with a lot of people, heard a lot, and read a lot, and from some of these encounters I have taken just one thing that I classed as ‘golden’ I have used these to guide the way I think and do business.

Tom Nicholson, sometime in the 70’s – it’s not important to know, it’s only important to know where to find out

The World’s Fair, (market traders newspaper), in the mid 80’s – no matter how good your product, no matter how cheap your product, if no one knows it’s there, they cannot buy it

Eddie Felton, in the mid 80’s – timing is everything

BBC Radio Four, (the business program) in the early ‘90’s – packaging sells a product the first time, the quality of what is inside, gets the repeat business

And my guiding quote; Einstein - If you can't explain it to an 8 year old, you don't understand it yourself

Friday, 22 March 2013

Training demand is increasing

Well hello Blog readers, it's good to be back. I have had a really hectic two weeks, and there is no sign of it stopping. Training seems to have taken off with a vengeance this year. I have been on the edge of turning work away, but luckily, I have colleagues in the paper Training Group that have helped out.

Its good to share!

In addition to all the face to face teaching, PaperClassroom has been assessed by PAA/VQ-SET, (an awarding body), and is now nervously awaiting the outcome. If successful PaperClassroom will become an Examination Centre for exams that are in the national Framework.

We have been working with West Notts College to get the Papermaking Apprentice Scheme off the ground with some UK mills.

Along with our National Skills Academy Accreditation, we can now offer a wide range of certified courses from absolute beginner, progressing to higher level formal qualifications.

Last week I was heavily involved in TWA's Machineman Development Course, along with Kate Leach of MILS Processes

At the moment I am busy finishing off the learning material for the Level 3 Technical Certificate, which I will start delivering after the Easter holiday.

I have also been requested to add more short quizzes to my free on-line self assessment quiz portfolio. In response, I have just added an 11th, on incoming raw water, and am working on the next.

The quizzes are 10 short multiple choice questions.

No logging on
No registration
No data collection

It's just between you and the machine. Why not have a go? CLICK HERE TO TRY


Dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks of captivity, they  can train people to stand on the very edge of the pool and throw them fish.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Womens Day

News Bites
So today is International Women's Day. It's sad that things are so unequal between the sexes that we have to have such a day, so I support it fully.

On the other hand, one bit of me is a bit of a joker, and I will never change. For this reason I bequeath to all women, my thought for the day, below.

Trainer Talk
Its all go for training We have at least one course a week for the rest of March and for April. And there is only one week in May course-free, and that may change.

Next Monday I will be having discussions about Papermaking Apprentices, followed by four days teaching on the Machineman Development Programme along with Kate Leach who specialises in Energy management. 

I am a great believer in visual aids, much better than a page full of script, so I was quite impressed with a post from a friend of mine on Facebook this morning. I used the wonderful 'snip' tool to capture it. It shows the quantity of sugar in various drinks. Here it is

Thought for the day

Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Bank on Dave

News Bites
Watched the fabulous Bank on Dave programme last night.What a guy! And how he shows the establishment up for what it really is, a self perpetuating totally corrupt machine!

We have had the banks cheating with the LIBOR, cheating with PPI, cheating with interest rate hedging and not a single person has been jailed, arrested, or sacked, and no bank has had any action taken against it to restrict its trade in any way, shape or form.

Almost immediately this guy Dave sets up in competition, the mates of the Bankers, the FSA, slap him with a letter forbidding him to trade. 

After a meeting to discuss the matter, they promise him an answer within seven days, and three weeks later, they have still not given him an answer. No apologies for the delay, no explanation for the delay, and no action taken by their mates in the Government for breaking their promise (contract?) to reply in seven days

Every day it becomes more and more clear that we need to find a new way of doing things!

Trainer Talk
Today has been a nice day off. Sometimes you need to recharge your batteries. There is a long training haul ahead!

Thought for the day
The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Negative interest rates

News Bites
Hmmm, yes, this was the first thing i heard on the news at 6.30 this morning. Did I hear it right? Yes I did

The latest government/banking plan, is to impose negative interest rates

And yes, that does really mean that if you put £100 in a savings account, then one year later, they will give you back £98, !

So, the lender pays the bank £2 for looking after their money

The good news is, this refers to banks, not to the general public like you and me

The bigger picture is, the UK Banks store most of their cash with the Bank of England, on which the B of E pays them interest.

This new idea is to discourage them from doing this, and instead, to lend it to you and me, for mortgages etc.

The bad news is, the 2% they have to pay, to have their money stored, will be paid for by us, in higher interest rates and lower savings rates

Trainer Talk
Finished our action packed 2-day catch up yesterday with some great test results.

Today I will be preparing for next weeks Front Line Manager Technical Programme

Thought for the day
Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Ripped off once, shame on him. Ripped off twice, shame on me.

Trainer Talk
Had a great 1st day today with my group of lively and energetic learners. Here are 3 of them hard at work during one of the practical sessions.

The day was only spoiled by receiving a request to work with someone that ripped me off for about £10,000.

Would you?

Neither would I

Thought for the day
Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

Monday, 25 February 2013

Paperless? Not for me thank you!

News Bites
Google has been having a campaign about making a paperless world. But this seems to be backfiring. 

Naturally as a paper-maker myself I am not very keen on this idea. We do plant more trees than we cut down

The best comment I have seen to date is this

Hey Google Guys - If you want a paperless world, try wiping your bum on a piece of aluminium foil!

Trainer Talk
All packed and ready to go. For the next two days I will be involved with the MDP catchup session and Technical Taster

I have all my key accessories neatly packed. 

Light Sabre
Long length of rope
Fibres models
Blank answer sheets!

Have just arranged a meeting to discuss Papermaking apprentices for next year. That is two mills now

Today I have applied to become an examinations centre. More news about that later!

Thought for the day
The teacher can only open the door. It is up to the learner to walk through it

And Finally

I have to commend this to you

Ever wondered what Prison Widow gets up to in her spare time

Prepare yourself and then.......

Watch this YouTube Video

If you like it, then please recommend this Blog and share the light

Friday, 22 February 2013

Money or Justice

News Bites
So Oscar Pistorius gets bail

He did not notice his girlfriend was not in bed with him
His first thought was not to check if she was OK
He did not try and find out who was in the bathroom

If he gets away with it, then life really is about money and not justice

I think my thought for the day is most appropriate today

Trainer Talk
Have started on the Paper Technics detailed program. Its tougher than I expected.

I have also added to my other Blog about the 2-day Introduction to papermaking course that I give. I think I will also add another unit after I have finished this.

Finished making up all my experimental stuff today, tomorrow is the testing day. The work itself is extremely boring, but the results are quite exciting, so looking forward to Sunday.

Thought for the day

To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit, the target

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Let Die or Not Let Die, which is the worst option?

News Bites
Two facts

The UK Government does not have enough money, and so it is borrowing
The UK Government gives away £10 billion in aid every year

Conclusion: The Government is borrowing money to give away to other (3rd world) countries. As they are BORROWING, then they will have to pay it back with interest.

And of course, since the Government does not actually generate any income, then it is our tax which they collect, which will repay the debt and the interest.

Who do they borrow from? Their mates of course. So they are creating a great income for their mates from the interest. So if they stopped giving away aid money, we would pay less tax, and their mates would have no income. So that's not going to happen is it?

 Superficially, I can see the point of giving aid, but if I look deeper I am not so sure it the right decision?

Lets look at some numbers

Say 1 million will die this year unless we give them aid. Lest say we provide aid for half of them.

So the world takes a one-off hit of half a million deaths

But what happens about the other half?
They live, and have children, usually a lot of children, but lets say just 5 per couple
So, half a million people = 250,000 couples, that in 25 years time will probably all have 5 kids each so 1.25 million kids. Including the adults we now have 1.75 million

Say we double our aid, then we will keep 1,000,000 alive and 750,000 will die

In 25 years time 1,000,000 people = 500,000 couples each having 5 children, = 2.5 million

plus the adults we now have 3.5 million

It is impossible to keep doubling aid budgets, or so we will be giving away more than half of our own money, so say we hold the budget at 1,000,000 lives, this means 2.5 million will die

So total deaths = 0.5 million +0.75 million + 2.5 million = 3.75 million and 50 years of misery   for those that survived
Balance that against letting all the 1 million die in the first place? Which is really the most humanitarian ? Its a difficult call.

Trainer Talk
Paper Technics has given the approval for my course overview, so am now starting to fill in the detail for the 10 modules.

I have a small R&D contract which I will be working on tomorrow, so I am going to spend an hour preparing all the paper work/trial plan so that things will go smoothly.

Today I have been talking about starch, and alkyl ketene dimer, (now isn't that a mouthful!), so another job tonight, before I forget is to modify my notes to clarify where some of them had problems. No rest for the wicked!

Thought for the day

Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak