Started January 2 2013

Sunday 28 July 2013

Governments’ Illegal Immigrants go home campaign

While I agree that some immigration is good for the UK and that Illegal immigrants should go home. I cannot believe in the recent government campaign of driving a van around certain areas with a big billboard on the side!

As was pointed out on the news this morning, most illegals do not speak or read English. So why is the request to go home, only in English?

Since government is supposed to be transparent I would like the government to answer the following four questions.

I am sure they will be able to answer them, after all, have they not been telling doctors, nurses, teachers, banks etc, just how important target setting is, and being measured against your targets!

1 What was your target for people handing themselves in?

2 How many did hand themselves in during the period of the campaign?

3 How many of those handing themselves in said they did so as a direct result of reading the poster

These first and last questions will tell us how good they were at hitting their target

4 How many non-illegal, English speaking readers of the poster thought it was a good idea?

From this last question we can measure how effectively public money has been used to fund a Conservative Party PR exercise


  1. I went in to a local A&E department the other afternoon and felt like I was in another country. The department was swarming with immigrants and the language barrier was frustrating because the likes of my Father waited hours before he was seen too and at that he arrived in an Ambulance. Staff were struggling to communicate with the many immigrants that were waiting to be seen. My Father has paid in to the NHS for years so I begrudge it to be quite frank with you. Those who cannot speak English hold up the likes of hospitals and therefore the waiting time becomes longer and patients like my Father suffer. How much is it actually costing the tax payer for interpreter services? I know local Councils have to use them and I know that it is a costly service too because my Sister works for a local Council and tells me so. My son goes to a school that has become multicultural within the space of 12 months. He has suffered because the immigrant children cannot speak English therefore again special services are drafted in to help them and the likes of my son's education suffers because of it. Put it this way, if I had the cash to move to Aussie or Canada, I would be there in a shot because I think the immigration situation in the UK is absolutely disgraceful and to be blunt, I am bitter about the whole thing.

  2. Interesting subject! I work in a factory were 80% of the employees are foreign nationals that speak very poor English and find it hard to communicate with their supervisors. When you are unemployed, the Job Centre sends clients to 'back to work' courses and meetings to learn interviewing techniques... So how do the foreign nationals get through interviews when the majority of them cannot speak a word of Queens?
