Started January 2 2013

Saturday 29 June 2013

Highest unemployment ever for the young

Well, here I am, sat in the back garden, knotted handkerchief on my head, working on the laptop.

For the young ones that read this, you may not have herd of a handkerchief. Its a recyclable version of a tissue!! Usually made out of cotton.

My morning ritual always starts off the same, come down into the kitchen, put water in the kettle, switch on the TV to listen to the news, and decide about breakfast.

What was the first thing I heard on the news this morning?  Unemployment amongst the young is the highest it has ever been. From the tone of the newscasters voice, it sounded as if this was a surprise to everyone. Especially the government! I have been turning this over in my mind all day, because to me, it does not seem to be a surprise at all. To me it is an inevitable consequence of all the policies. So, am I stupid or something? Is there something so big and so obvious that I cannot see it.?

Lets run down the line of my thinking.

1 - First the government increase womens' retirement age from 60, to 65. So all the women who would have retired, stay in work.

If they do not retire, no vacancies are created, and the people inside the organisation do not move up to fill the empty position. That leaves no vacancies at the bottom for the youngsters to fill - NOTE THIS PARAGRAPH I WILL USE IT AGAIN

2 - Second, the government make it illegal to ask an employee to retire on the grounds of age.

If they do not retire, no vacancies are created, and the people inside the organisation do not move up to fill the empty position. That leaves no vacancies at the bottom for the youngsters to fill.

3 - Third, they increase the pension eligibility age from 65 to 67. So now even if you wanted to retire at 65, you have to keep going another two years.

If they do not retire, no vacancies are created, and the people inside the organisation do not move up to fill the empty position. That leaves no vacancies at the bottom for the youngsters to fill

So am I right or am I right?

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