Its good to share!
In addition to all the face to face teaching, PaperClassroom has been assessed by PAA/VQ-SET, (an awarding body), and is now nervously awaiting the outcome. If successful PaperClassroom will become an Examination Centre for exams that are in the national Framework.
We have been working with West Notts College to get the Papermaking Apprentice Scheme off the ground with some UK mills.
Along with our National Skills Academy Accreditation, we can now offer a wide range of certified courses from absolute beginner, progressing to higher level formal qualifications.
Last week I was heavily involved in TWA's Machineman Development Course, along with Kate Leach of MILS Processes.
At the moment I am busy finishing off the learning material for the Level 3 Technical Certificate, which I will start delivering after the Easter holiday.
I have also been requested to add more short quizzes to my free on-line self assessment quiz portfolio. In response, I have just added an 11th, on incoming raw water, and am working on the next.
The quizzes are 10 short multiple choice questions.
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No registration
No data collection
It's just between you and the machine. Why not have a go? CLICK HERE TO TRY